govern-v; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: exercise authority to control and direct

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] GOVERN
NOTE: NP1 is +agent

The country is now being governed by the Labour Party.
They accused the government of being unfit to govern.
Govern yourselves like civilized people.
He governed his household with mildness and forbearance.
She governed the Roman empire excellently and with great orderliness

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: Leadership
PropBank: govern.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 3

Sense Number 2: have a direct or controlling influence over something

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[stimulus] GOVERN NP2
NOTE: NP1 is not an [agent]

Don't let your emotions govern your life.
Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials.
Chance usually governs the outcome of the game.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: govern.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2, 4

Sense Number 3: regulate, restrain, keep under control

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] GOVERN NP2[patient]
NOTE: NP1 is +agent

She could hardly govern her emotions.
You thus learn how to govern your impulses, activities and weaknesses.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: govern.01