finish-n; 6 Senses

Sense Number 1: quality or appearance of a surface texture

Commentary: FINISH[+quality][+texture][+surface]

This paint color comes in five different finishes.
Mary prefers this face powder that gives a matte finish.
He applied three coats of clear finish.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: final stage of an event or activity

Commentary: FINISH[+event][+punctual][+ending]

The wedding was perfect from start to finish.
Whoever has the most points at the finish of the game wins.
A bowl of raspberries is the perfect finish to a summer dinner. (eating them is the last event of the activity)
The political campaign will be a fight to the finish.
The golfer's best finish in a major tournament was third place.

PropBank: finish.01,finish.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 5, 2, 7, 3

Sense Number 3: having cultural refinement, poise

Commentary: FINISH[+quality][+refinement][+cultural][+poise]

He'll need more finish to become headwaiter at a 3-star restaurant.
Her piano playing is exuberant and daring, but lacks a certain finish.
They hoped the year abroad would add some finish to their rather provincial offspring.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 9

Sense Number 4: the location of the end of a racetrack

Commentary: FINISH[+location][+endpoint][+of_racetrack]

The jockey saw the finish and urged his horse on.
A yellow buoy and the committee boat mark the finish of the regatta.
The first runner to complete the marathon broke through the tape stretched across the finish.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4

Sense Number 5: the downfall of someone or something

Commentary: FINISH[+event][+role][+agent][+of_downfall]

Getting caught taking illegal steroids was the tragic finish of that athlete.
A plague or a famine may have been the finish of their civilization.
Too much success at an early age proved to be the finish of the writer.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 8

Sense Number 6: the lingering taste of wine on back of the tongue

Commentary: FINISH[+quality][+taste][+wine][+on_tongue][+back]

The wine has a dry mouth but a rather opulent finish of dark fruit.
He enjoyed the tart, almost citrus finish of the crisp white sauvignon blanc.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 6