figure-v; 5 Senses

Sense Number 1: reason, reckon, understand or conclude

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent[human]] FIGURE COMP NP1[agent]FIGURE (NP2[patient])

They figured that the storm would just miss the east coast.
He never figured that this would happen.
She figured he must have been telling the truth.
I can't figure him at all.
Go figure!

VerbNet: rely-70
FrameNet: Opinion
PropBank: figure.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 5

Sense Number 2: calculate or compute; solve or puzzle out (BOTH quantitative and qualitative)

Commentary: Syntax Includes: NP1 FIGURE NP NP1 FIGURE COMP Includes: FIGURE OUT

Each time we have to figure the sum of an arithmetic progression.
Students figure the probability of rolling a five with one or two dice.
He figured out an algorithm the gives the answers.
Once the computer figured out its best move, a programmer at the match moved the chess piece.
I can't figure out how to solve this problem.
Did you figure out the riddle yet?
This unpleasant situation will not figure itself out.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: figure.04,figure.05
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
figure_out 1

Sense Number 3: be a factor or play a role in something

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1 FIGURE PP

In the play, she figured as the domineering marriage partner.
Elections figure prominently in every government program
He didn't see how the new technology would figure into lower health care costs.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: figure.03
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2

Sense Number 4: envision or project, never occurs as 'figure out'

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] FIGURE NP2[patient] (PP)

I figured your face for so long in my dreams.
Can you figure me in this swimsuit?
She figures herself as a wealthy person within five years.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3

Sense Number 5: to be or happen as expected, to be unsurprising or sensical

NOTE: No corresponding Wordnet sense, includes colloquial only.

It just figures they'd show up late.
It figures why they find the financial tracking so important.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: NM