Commentary: EFFECT[+state][+outcome][+consequence] Something that is caused by a preceding phenomenon.
The effect of the wage hike was a decrease in the creation of new entry-level jobs.
The magnetic effect produced by the electric current is very strong.
Light is bent around the distant galaxies by a gravitational effect.
The effects of the election were deep and far-reaching.
Her outfit certainly had an effect on me! (the result was a reaction in me)
There are several known side effects to this drug.
PropBank: effect.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: EFFECT[+quality][+perceptual][+impression] An outward appearance or impression, in general terms.
John is probably controversial just for effect.
She uses dramatic lighting in her stage sets to good effect.
The film has some incredible special effects.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: EFFECT[+state][+legal][+valid][+operational]
Unfortunately, the law is still in effect.
The curfew is no longer in effect as of last Tuesday.
They succeeded in putting their strategies into effect.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: EFFECT[+information][+content][+central][+theme] The central point of an artistic work, or the main message of a discourse
The central effect of Heller's Catch-22 is the absurdity of bureaucratic structures.
He made some comment to the effect that her poetry is overly sentimental.
They resented the new leash law and wrote a letter to the mayor to that effect.
PropBank: effect.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: EFFECT[+collection][+artifact][+belongings][+personal] Usually left behind by a dead person, the property that a person owns (or used to own). Occurs in the plural 'effects'
John left me all his personal effects.
I gave the mugger my wallet and some other personal effects.
The suspect returned to the apartment to gather his effects.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 3
Commentary: EFFECT[+state][+equivalence] Occurs in the phrase 'in effect'
Despite his official title as vice-president of operations, Bob is, in effect, running the company.
Critics argue that, in effect, this progressive income tax is a form of welfare.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: