development-n; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: the process

Commentary: The act of growing, evolving, building, improvement, developing...

The development of the plan took only ten years.
The development of an embryo is a complicated process.
The Research and Development team has the results.
If development of your pictures takes more than one hour - it's free

PropBank: development.01
WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8

Sense Number 2: the end product

Commentary: The result of growing, evolving, building, improvement...

That housing development is beautiful.

PropBank: development.02
WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: 5

Sense Number 3: the act of developing

Commentary: DEVELOPMENT[+event] Used to reference the happening of a recent event.

In light of recent developments we will reexamine our decision.
We can watch the latest developments unfold on the news tonight.

PropBank: development.02
WordNet 1.7 Sense Numbers: 3, 6