Commentary: COMPLAINT[+state][+physiological][+disorder][+persistent]
This ointment is good for a variety of skin complaints.
This patient's complaint is recurring dizzy spells.
His back complaints have persisted for more than a week.
PropBank: complaint.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: COMPLAINT[+action][+statement][+objection][+spoken/+written]
NOTE: refers to the speech act of expressing dissatisfaction, not the source of the objection (Sense 4)
We heard the baby's loud complaints when his bottle was taken away.
There are complaints that the new building disrupts the city's skyline.
If I hear one more complaint today from John I'll scream!
PropBank: complaint.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2, 3
Commentary: COMPLAINT[+action][+statement][+pleading][+legal][+civil/+criminal]
NOTE: always implies a formal procedure with a court
A formal complaint against the firm was filed yesterday in the district court.
He was arrested on a complaint of drunk driving.
The neighbors have filed a complaint about John's violation of the zoning laws.
PropBank: complaint.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4, 5
Commentary: COMPLAINT[+cause][+grounds][+dissatisfaction]
NOTE: refers to the source of the objection, -not- the act of stating the objection (Sense 2)
We still have a couple of complaints about our hotel room. (something in the room)
Our client now feels we have addressed all of his complaints successfully. (our product, service)
No one had any complaints with Sally's proposal. (something in the proposal)
PropBank: complaint.01
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 1b
Commentary: Automatically generated NOTA sense (bbn)
PropBank: NM