assemble-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: create a new entity by putting components or members together

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[animate] ASSEMBLE NP2[singular,object created] (FROM/WITH NP3[plural,individual members of collection])
NOTE: The object created MUST BE specified while the components may or may not be specified. Also, compare carefully to sense 2, the object created must be a named entity and thus you could not break up the entity and call the individual components by the same name. For example, in the last sentence, the parts of a bicycle each have individual names.

The team assembled the first 10 units by hand with the system's many custom components.
The U.S. military has assembled the world's most formidable Hacker Posse (from the best scientists at MIT.)
I assembled the bicycle from parts of 10 broken ones.

VerbNet: build-26.1
FrameNet: Building,Creating
PropBank: assemble.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: collect similar or related items in one place

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] ASSEMBLE (NP2[theme[plural]]) (PP)
NOTE: If the sentence has no NP2, then NP1 will be the individual units as in example 2. Also, compare carefully to sense 1, none of the NP's purposes or qualities are altered as a result of the assembly process.
NOTE: The individual units assembled together do not get a different name because they are grouped together. Compare to Sense 1.

They assembled 50 matching articles covering a variety of science topics for the 2007 Science Journal.
The elders assembled in the church.
Please assemble all the members of your team in the conference room.

VerbNet: herd-47.5.2
FrameNet: Gathering_up,Assemble
PropBank: assemble.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2, 3