accounting-n; 5 Senses

Sense Number 1: explanation

Commentary: ACCOUNTING[+event] An explanation that reveals basic causes. Somebody's account of what happened.

He was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions.
I guess there's no accounting for taste.
His accounting of the story took all night!

PropBank: accounting.01
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: system of finances

Commentary: A system of rules that provides information about finances, or any subset of that system.

My computer's accounting program makes it easy to see how much money I've lost.
John's system of accounting got pretty disorganized after a few months.
I put all the expenditures in the "accounting" section of my company ledger.

PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 2 4

Sense Number 3: financial occupation

Commentary: What an accountant does for a living, and what you learn in accounting classes. The practice of performing financial analyses.

A lot of companies go bankrupt because of incompetent accounting.
I'm going into accounting after I graduate.
Intelli-Soft has a large, well-trained accounting department.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 3

Sense Number 4: balance statement

Commentary: A document, usually from a bank, that contains a list of recent transactions and the resulting balance.

PNC Bank sends me an accounting every month.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 5

Sense Number 5: none of the above

Commentary: Automatically generated NOTA sense (bbn)


PropBank: NM