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Course proposal submission is now closed.

The 2011 Linguistic Institute will take place on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder. It is jointly sponsored by the Linguistic Society of America and the University of Colorado Department of Linguistics, Continuing Education and Professional Studies, College of Arts and Science, and Graduate School. The theme of the 2011 Linguistics Institute is Language in the World. The Institute focus will be on interdisciplinary, empirically based approaches to language that acknowledge its dual nature, as both a real-time interactional strategy and a product of interaction. We plan to offer a diverse array of courses that emphasize the contributions of data-intensive research to theories of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, morphology, phonetics, phonology and their interactions, and provide training in an array of research tools, including acoustic analysis, psycholinguistic experimentation, ethnography, computational and statistical modeling, corpus analysis, and various types of fieldwork.

We hope to offer a special focus on documentation and revitalization of endangered languages, with courses that will survey methodologies and available tools and resources. In addition to offering core linguistics courses, we plan to offer courses that combine linguistic theory with perspectives derived from psychology, computer science, anthropology and other related disciplines and that apply linguistic theory to practical endeavors like lexicography, natural language processing and language teaching.

In this context, we seek courses for the Institute devoted to new lines of inquiry, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary investigation and methodological best practices, which will be chosen by the proposal solicitation process described below. These courses will be complemented by courses taught by faculty directly invited by the Institute's organizing committee. The aim is to develop a slate of courses that provides broad coverage of linguistics within the context of the Institute's 'Language in the World' theme. Each course will meet twice a week for four weeks, for a total of 8 meetings; each class meeting will be 105 minutes long.

Proposals will be evaluated by the course review committee listed on the Institute website, which includes scholars with diverse backgrounds and academic affiliations. On the basis of the proposal evaluations, the Institute's organizing committee will make a final selection of courses that ensures a coherent, well-balanced curriculum.

Each course instructor at the 2011 institute will receive reasonable travel costs. In addition, we will offer course instructors housing near campus, dining privileges at campus facilities and bus transportation to campus, paying for these directly (although see the note in the next paragraph on co-taught courses). We will allocate a comparable amount to faculty who make their own housing arrangements. We are also currently working to secure additional funds to provide a modest honorarium per course.

A course may be taught by one or two instructors. All instructors must be members of the LSA at the time of the Institute. Institute fees are waived for all instructors. However, the Institute has budgeted only for the full travel and living expenses of one instructor per course. If a course is co-taught, the instructors must share the lump sum allocated to each course for living expenses, although we will try to provide full reasonable travel expenses for each instructor. Further, we encourage all instructors to fund their own travel if this is feasible, since this will allow us to use our available funding for student fellowships.

We therefore solicit proposals for courses, in any area of the field, conforming to the Course Description Guidelines. Those who have not previously taught Institute courses or attended an Institute may wish to consult the Assessment Guidelines for Instructors, adapted from the page designed for instructors at the 2007 Institute.

Course Description Guidelines

  1. Title of course
  2. Instructor(s): name, current affiliation, current title, year and institution of PhD
  3. Three keywords that will help us assign your proposal to appropriate reviewers
  4. Short CV(s): the short CV should be no more than 3 pages, and cover the last five years of activity. It should include: (a) publications (b) a description of teaching experience (noting, where relevant, connection to the proposed course), and (c) service to the profession.
  5. List previous experience teaching at an Institute and/or attending an Institute.
  6. Description of course content (maximum 1500 words): the course description should include a statement of the course's relevance to the theme of the 2011 Institute. An explicit rationale should be provided if more than one instructor is proposed.
  7. A one-page reading list
  8. Proposed form of assessment of students (e.g., assignments, paper, project)
  9. Tentative syllabus (8 x 105-minute sessions)
  10. Prerequisites for students in the course
  11. Special equipment or other resources needed
  12. Maximum enrollment, (only applicable if the course must be limited in size due to technical needs (e.g., available lab space) or content (e.g., being labor-intensive for the instructor)).
  13. Ideal companion courses or synergistic activities: certain courses would naturally complement other ones or lead naturally to a workshop or one-day presentation session, which would enhance intellectual activity at the Institute.

Those who have not previously taught Institute courses or attended an Institute may wish to consult the Assessment Guidelines for Instructors, adapted from the page designed for instructors at the 2007 Institute.

The final deadline for receipt of proposals is January 15, 2010 has been extended one week to January 22, 2010. The on-line web-based submission process is now available. We anticipate notification in late spring 2010. We are using pasha for on-line submission. A few points to bear in mind:

  1. Please allow your browser to accept the security certificate; this is safe.
  2. When you register, your e-mail address is automatically chosen as your login.
  3. The password is limited to 8 characters.
  4. For "paper" read "proposal."
  5. Please put all of the items for the proposal into one .pdf document
  6. You are automatically logged out when you close your browser.
  7. Pasha does not send submission confirmation e-mails.
Online Course Propsal Submission
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