Annie Zaenen
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
Annie Zaenen is Principal Scientist at Palo Alto Research Center and Consulting Professor at Stanford University. She received her PhD in Linguistics in 1980 from Harvard University. Dr. Zaenen has been one of the main developers of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG). She has worked on many syntactic topics, including long-distance dependencies, the that-trace filter, unaccusativity, functional uncertainty and the difference between subsumption and equality in LFG. Her second interest is in (lexical) semantics and pragmatics. She taught a course on coreference at the MIT LSA Linguistics Institute in 2005 and co-taught a course on paraphrase and usage at the Stanford Linguistic Institute in 2007. Most recently she has worked on textual inference and the semantics of locative expressions. She is the co-editor of the online eLanguage journal Linguistic Issues in Language Technology.