Amanda Seidl
Purdue University
Amanda Seidl is Associate Professor Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Purdue University, where she has taught since 2003. She received her BA from Smith College and her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania in 2000. Her dissertation, Minimal Indirect Reference: A Theory of the Syntax-Phonology Interface, was published in the Blackwell series. From 2000-2003 she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University working with Paul Smolensky and Peter Jusczyk. Her research interests include language acquisition, phonology and infant speech-perception, focusing on the use of experimental techniques with infants to investigate issues in phonological theory and learnability.
Personal Website(s):
LING 7800-024
Infant Speech Perception: Implications for Language (Acquisition) Theories
LING 7800-024
Infant Speech Perception: Implications for Language (Acquisition) Theories