Colin Phillips
University of Maryland
Colin Phillips received his PhD in Linguistics from MIT in 1996. He is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Maryland, where he is also Associate Director of the Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program and a co-director of the Maryland Neuroimaging Center. He also directs the NSF-IGERT interdisciplinary training program in Biological and Computational Foundations of Language Diversity. His research combines theoretical linguistics with language processing, language acquisition and neurolinguistics, with an emphasis on trying to understand the microstructure of linguistic computation. His recent work has focused on efforts to explain how structured representations are encoded and navigated in memory.
Personal Website(s):
LING 7800-021
Grammatical Illusions: Encoding and Navigating Linguistic Structures in Real Time
LING 7800-021
Grammatical Illusions: Encoding and Navigating Linguistic Structures in Real Time