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Course Number (LING 7800-0XX) and Title | Classroom | |
01 | Approaches to Variation and Gradience in Lexical Categorization |
HUMN 145 |
02 | Canonical Typology |
ECCR 105 |
03 | Comparative Arabic and Semitic Syntax and Morphology |
MUEN 432 |
04 | Computational Approaches to Discourse Structure |
CHEM 133 |
05 | Computational Extraction of Social and Interactional Meaning from Speech |
KOBL 300 |
06 | Computational Lexical Semantics |
MUEN E 432 |
07 | Computational Pragmatics |
KOBL 375 |
08 | Computational Psycholinguistics |
MUEN E 0046 |
09 | Conceptual Categories and Linguistic Categories |
MUEN E050 (Muenzinger Auditorium) |
10 | Contact Spanish in the U.S. |
MUEN E 432 |
11 | Defining English for Global Consumers: A Course in Practical Lexicography |
ECCH 107 |
12 | Emergent Grammar. Reducing the Role of Universal Grammar in Phonology |
EDUC 220 |
13 | Empirical Computational approaches to Phonological and Morphological Acq. |
STAD 112 |
14 | Event-Rated Potentials and the Neural Mechanisms of On-Line Language Comp. |
CLARE 207 |
15 | An Experimental Perspective on the Syllable |
CHEM 133 |
16 | Experimental Pragmatics |
MUEN E131 |
17 | Field Methods and Endangered Languages |
HUMN 345 |
18 | Frame Semantics and Verb Construction |
ECCR 105 |
19 | From Syntax to Natural Logic |
MUEN E 432 |
20 | Gesture from a Linguistic Point of View |
KOBL 300 |
21 | Grammatical Illusions Encoding and Navigating Linguistic Structures in Real Time |
MUEN E 0046 |
22 | Harmonic Grammar Models and Methods |
ATLAS 105 |
23 | Historical Morphology |
STAD 112 |
24 | Infant Speech Perception Implications for Language (Acquisition) Theories |
CHEM 133 |
25 | Information Structure and the Syntax-Semantics Interface |
EDUC 220 |
26 | Information Structure in First Language Acquisition |
MUEN E 0046 |
27 | Information-Based Phonology |
MUEN E 0046 |
28 | Integrating Phonological and Psycholinguistic Theory |
ECCH 107 |
29 | Interaction and Grammar |
ECCR 105 |
30 | Introduction to Computational Linguistics |
CLARE 111 |
31 | Introduction to Conversation Analysis |
ECCR 105 |
32 | Introduction to Dialectology |
HUMN 145 |
33 | Introduction to Formal Semantics |
CLARE 207 |
34 | Introduction to Morphology |
KOBL 375 |
35 | Introduction to Probability and Information Theory |
MUEN E 432 |
36 | Introduction to Psycholinguistics |
KOBL 375 |
37 | Introduction to Sociophonetics |
MUEN E 432 |
38 | Introduction to Syntax |
KOBL 300 |
39 | Issues in the Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics of Oneida (Iroquoian) |
CHEM 133 |
40 | Lakota Structure with Glances at Some Other Siouan Languages |
CHEM 133 |
41 | Language and Law |
HUMN 145 |
42 | Language and Race |
ECCR 105 |
43 | Language and Sexuality |
ECCR 105 |
44 | Language Endangerment and Maintenance |
HUMN 145 |
45 | Language Evolution |
KOBL 300 |
46 | Language in Latin America |
CLARE 207 |
47 | Language Variation and the Mass Media |
STAD 112 |
48 | Language, Gender, and Sexuality in the Material World |
MUEN E 432 |
49 | Learning in Generative Grammar Representation, Intake and Update |
KOBL 375 |
50 | Linguistic Field Methods |
KOBL 300 |
51 | Mathematical Models of Language Change |
ATLAS 105 |
52 | The Morphosyntax of Hiaki |
CHEM 133 |
53 | Multilingual Linguistic Annotation |
CLARE 111 |
54 | Nativism, Formal Learning Theory, and Universal Grammar |
ATLAS 229 |
55 | Person Indexicals A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective |
HUMN 145 |
56 | Phonetic Theory |
CLARE 207 |
57 | Phonetic Variation in Speech Perception |
KOBL 375 |
58 | Pidgin and Creole Languages A Linguistic, Historical, and Cognitive Overview |
KOBL 300 |
59 | Prosody in the Lab |
CLARE 111 |
60 | Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R |
ECCH 107 |
61 | Scope and Negation Typological Diversity Meets Computational Semantics |
ECCE 152 |
62 | Semantic Universals and Semantic Typology |
EDUC 220 |
64 | Sign Language Development by Deaf and Hearing Children |
HUMN 145 |
65 | Sign-Based Construction Grammar |
CLARE 207 |
66 | Situated Approaches to Language Variation |
MUEN E 432 |
67 | Sociolinguistic Cognition |
ECCR 105 |
68 | Sociolinguistic Variation |
MUEN E 0046 |
69 | The Sociolinguistics of Language Change |
KOBL 375 |
70 | Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment |
KOBL 375 |
71 | Sound Change in the Laboratory |
CLARE 207 |
72 | Statistical Syntactic Parsing |
HUMN 145 |
73 | Syntax/Typology |
KOBL 300 |
74 | Text-to-Speech Synthesis |
ATLAS 1B25 |
75 | Topics in Oceanic Linguistics |
STAD 112 |
76 | Treebanking and Theoretical Linguistics |
CHEM 133 |
77 | Usage-Based Linguistics |
CLARE 207 |
78 | Using Free-View Eye-tracking to Study Spoken Language |
MUEN D 428 |
79 | Vagueness |
MUEN E 0046 |
80 | Word and Paradigm Morphology Data and Analysis |
ECCR 105 |