Gospel Music: Alonzo Moss Interview

There are no cuss words in Arapaho. But young people try to find some in order to express creativity.

"In Arapaho, if you’re gonna cuss, the worst you can say is 3iikoneihii… you skeleton. If you tried to use body parts for cuss words or bad words you can’t do it. I can call a guy “woxtineet”: “A-Hole”. But that wouldn’t be cussing. When they tried to use the body parts as bad words they can’t do it. Like I said the body is called beteeneyoo, holy lodge, and you do everything to protect it. So when you take those… smoke marijuana, sniff all that stuff, drink all that booze, you are the one putting the knife to yourself. You’re desecrating you body. To go further more, if you cut your hair off and shine it.. you know, Arapaho used to let their hair long and they had it braided. This one old man told me, he said, I’m glad to see your hair in braids. I used to have braids, now it’s thinning out. He said, I’m glad you’ve done that. I don’t like to see these people desecrating their hair and looking like Mohawks. I saw one yesterday at the gymnasium. His hair looked like it was greasy and shinny along the sides and down the middle. I just wonder if that person knew how to talk his language and interpret why he had his head like that. If the maker wanted him to look like that, he would have made him look like that. He made us with what we have."

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