Male and Female Forms in Arapaho
WORD | hello | yes | no | okay, well | gosh! | ouch! | oops! | watch out! |
M | héébe | hee | hiiko | wohéí | yehéíhoo | 'oohó' | wih | éíyo |
F | tous | 'oo | kos |
'ínee | 'ííheihoo | 'o'xú | wúuu | óowéí' |
Other Similar Types of Arapaho Expressions (used by both men and women):
néí'ei3héhk = 'who in the heck does he think he is!?' or 'yeah, right, like he's going to do something about it!'
noníí = 'oh how cute!'
cih = 'well, will you look at that!' or 'look here!'
toon = 'okay, fine, whatever'
nonóónokó' = 'well, what the heck, we might as well'