Arapaho - Nouns - Inanimate


Arapaho nouns are divided into two groups - things which are living or thought of as living (animate nouns), and things which are not (inanimate nouns).


Here are some common inanimate nouns:


wo3ónohoe     paper, book

bíí3ihíitóo         table

3í’okúutóo       chairr

ce’éiinox          bag

bíí3wo             food

béí’ci3é'         money

wótoo              pants

bíixúút              shirt

wo’óh              shoe




Inanimate nouns are most often made plural by adding -no. Sometimes, -ono is added, and if the noun already ends in -n, then just -o is added. A few nouns are made plural by adding some other letter plus -o:


wo3ónohóéno              papers, books

bíí3ihíitóóno                 tables

3í’okúutóóno               chairs

ce’éiinó3o                    bags

wótooho                      pants

bíixúútono                    shirts

wo’óhno                      shoes

(bíí3wo is already plural)


Demonstratives (“pointing words”)


If you want to be more specific when talking, you can use the words núhu’ (this) and hínee (that):


núhu’ wo3ónohoe                    this paper (near me)

hínee wo3ónohoe                    that paper (over by you)

núhu’ wo3ónohóéno                these papers (near me)

hínee wo3ónohóéno                 those papers (over by you)


Note in the last sentences that these words don’t change when the noun is made plural.



Exercize: Translate the following sentences into Arapaho:


1.  This chair.

2.  That table.

3.  These bags.

4.  Those pants.

5.  This shoe  and(“noh”)  that shirt.

6.  These tables and those papers.