Arapaho - Inanimate Nouns - Possession


To say “my book” or “your shirt”, you must add prefixes to the noun. Examples (with hyphens added for clarity) are:


no-wo3ónohoe             my book

he-bíixúút                     your shirt

hi-wo’óh                      his shoe

ne-bíixúút                     my shirt

ho-wo3ónohoe             your book

hi-bíixúút                      her shirt


The general rule is:


my                   ne- or no-

your                 he- or ho-

his/her             hi-


You use ne- and he- when the first vowel of the noun is e or i. You use no- and ho- when the first vowel of the noun is o or u. Note that hi- never changes.


Possession and plurals:


You can make the nouns plural in the normal way:


no-wo3ónohóé-no       my books

he-bíixúút-ono              your shirts

hi-wo’óh-no                 his shoes


Exercize: Translate the following sentences into Arapaho:


1.  Your bag

2.  Her book

3.  My papers

4.  His chairs

5.  His table

6.  My shoes

7.  Your pants

8.  Her shoes

9.  My chair

10.  Your paper