Arapapo - Verbs - Commands


To give a command in Arapaho, you simply use the short form of the verb.
Any endings are dropped:


benii3íhi-noo                 I’m eating       
bii3íhi                           eat!

  neeyéi3éí-t                    he’s studying
neyéi3éí                        study!


  For TI verbs, -oo is added to the end:


nenéí’oohóót-owoo      I’m looking at it
néí’oohóót-oo              look at it!

woo3onóh-ow  you’re writing it
wo3ónoh-oo                write it!


  For TA verbs, the endings are as follows:


            nenéí’oohow-ún            you’re looking at me

            néí’oohow-ú                 look at me!


            ceeh’é3ih-ín                  you’re listening to me

            ceh’é3ih-í                     listen to me!


            ceeh’e3íh-oot               he’s listening to her

            ceh’é3ih-ín                   listen to her!


            If you want to tell someone not to do something, use ciibéh-:


            ciibéh-bii3íhi                 don’t eat!

            ciibéh-néí’oohóót-oo    don’t look at it !

            ciibéh-ceh’é3ih-ín         don’t listen to her!


            Exercize: translate the following:


  1. Eat!        
2. Drink!
3. Sleep!         
4. Speak Arapaho!
5. See it!
6. Hit it!
7. Look at him!
8. Listen to me!
9. See her!
10. Write it!