Arapaho - Verbs - Animate


Animate verbs are used to talk about people, living things, and things which are thought of as living. Here are some examples:


heniinóó’einoo              I am hunting

beníi3béénoo                I am cooking

heneenétin                    (or nii-heeneetin) you are talking

neniisí3ei’in                   you are working

nóókohut                      he is sleeping

benii3íhit                       she is eating a meal


To indicate who is doing the action, and ending is put on the verb. The endings are:


I                       -noo

you                  -n

he/she             -t

we                    -no’

you plural        -nee

they                 -3i’


Here are some more examples, with hyphens added for clarity:


heniinóó’ei-n                             you are hunting

beníi3béé-t                               she is cooking

heneenéti-noo                           I am talking

neniisí3ei’i-t                              she is working

nóókohu-noo                            I am sleeping

benii3íhi-n                                 you are eating


heníínoo’éí-no’             we are hunting

beníi3béé-3i’                they are cooking

henéénetí-3i’                they are talking

neniisí3ei’í-nee              you guys are working

nóókohú-no’                we are sleeping

benii3hi-nee                 you guys are eating


Shifts in accent in the plural


Note in the examples with the plural that the accent of the words often shifts to the “right”. This is a very common occurrence in Arapaho. You should expect it to occur most of the time.





Exercize: translate the following sentences into Arapaho:


1. They are hunting

2. We are working

3. I am eating

4. She is sleeping

5. We are cooking

6. He is working

7. You guys are talking

8. They are eating

9. You are cooking

10. I am sleeping