A Trickster Story: Nihoo3oo and the Ducks

This story is told in Arapaho by elder William J C'Hair. A transcription of the Arapaho is below, along with a word-by-word English translation. You can listen to the story told in Arapaho by clicking here (story is in .wav format).

nih'óó3oo noh  síísiikóú'uu.
trickster   and  the ducks

téécxo'                                         núhu'úúno         
[this is a story about] long ago  about those [ducks]

a story

nih'óó3oo  tohuucíínoo'oniseehék.
trickster    he was sauntering along

héénoo            tohuunéeniihó'o',
customarily    he traveled alongside streams

toh'óúniiseehék níiyóu        núhu' niiciihéhe'.
because ??          here it is    this     stream

céésey      hé'ih'oowúniihísee         niiciihéhe'.
one time   he was walking down    a stream

'oh   hé'ihciisísee;                     he'íicxóóyeinííhi',
and  he walked quite a ways    after a while

'oh   hé'ihkóxo'ésnee,                         tohnosóúseet.
and   he was slowly getting hungry    because he was
                                                                  still walking

'oh    hé'ihníitówoo...
and    he heard something

[hé'ih]niitónee   tohníitóuuhuní3i                síísiikóú'uu
he heard them    as they were calling out    ducks

up in front of him

wohéí   héétbii3íhinoo         nih'íí3etiéhk.
well       I’m going to eat      he said to himself

he'nééxohúnee                        hínee,
  you will lead me right to you   those

hí'in                    beexo’heinééseet
at that point??   he just turned around and walked
                                            [towards the sound]

he walked close to them

ne'... né'kóxo'úseet,                     né'kókoh'ú3ecoot.
then  then he walked slowly on   and then he thought

hiiwot       níísiiniihóú'u.
I wonder  how I can get them

hé'né'ée'íno'            héétníístoot.
and then he knew    what he was going to do

yóókoxuu         hé'né'kóoko'óho'.
willow sticks    he cut some off

héétne'ííni ce'éékutiit,                     ce'éékutiit.
then he’s going to make a bundle   make a bundle

hiisce'éékutiit,                              noh  '-
he finished making the bundle   and  then

né'ííni 3éí'eiwoonóóto'                   núhu' núhu'
then he loaded them on his back  this    this

núhu'úúno  yóókoxuu.
these            willow sticks

hé'ih3éí'oi- 3éí'eiwoonóú'u.
he loaded... he loaded them on his back

hé'né'- hé'né'ce'kóxo'ce3éí'oot.
then      then he set off slowly again

hiiwóonhéhe' kóxo'úseet.
now                 he’s walking slowly

3oo3ébnoohéíseet      níiyóu      núhu'
he walked ?? there    here it is  this place

síísiikóú'uu  héetnéeníitóuuhuní3i.
the ducks     where they’re calling out

noh  hé'iis3ooxúunóne'           hesíhin         nih'óó3oo.
and   they finally noticed him   our uncle!   trickster!

cénoot,"           nih'íí3etí'ehkóni'     
he is coming!    they said to each other

núhu'  síísiikóú'uu.
these   ducks

noh  tohtoo'úseet                    núhu'         héetooní3i,
and   after he came to a stop at the spot where they were

wohéí hé'ihnóttóne'       nih'óó3oo.
well     they asked him    trickster

"heeyóu, heeyóu hínee   heineheiiniinooxuut?"
  what     what     is that  you are carrying(?)

they said to him

"hee   he’née3óú'u  niibóótno,
  well  these are       songs

nenéé'            nenííwoh'uyóono" hee3oohók.
that’s what    I’m carrying          he said to them

"niibóótno nenéí'i ."
  songs         that’s what they are

"cihniibóonéí'ee!" nih'íi3éíhok.
   sing us a song       they said to him

"hííko, hoowúúni.
  no       I can’t do that

kookón             hoowúniibóohéíhiinóóno
for no reason   they are not sung

núhu' niibóótno," nih'íí3oohók.
these  songs            he said to them

hé'ihníhi'néetóne' núhu' síísiikóú'uu.
they insisted           these   ducks

héíhii  hé'ihnéneesni'óówoxúúbe'.
soon    he pretended to be convinced by them??

"wohéí tous"       hee3oohók.
  well okay then    he said to them

"húútiino           héétbeexúúni só'obéé'       huut
   around here    where the ground is flat    here

where there’s a nice clean [open] spot

héétciinénowoo            núhu'   niibóótno,
I will put them down   these   songs

noh  héétcihnó'uséénee.
and   and you will come over here

noh   héétno'óeeko'éíyookúúnee."
and   you will stand around me in a circle

noh  hé'ihcihno'úseeníno  níín[e'eeníno]
and  they came here          here they are

núhu' síísiikóú'uu.
these   ducks

noh   hé'ih'itén   céése' núhu' yóókox.
and   he took it   one    this     willow stick

"wohéí" nih'íí3oohók       núhu'  síísiikóú'uu,
  well      he said to them   these   ducks

(hé'ihtóún  núhu' niibóót), "núhu' niibóót,
 he held it   this    “song”      this     song

 I will sing it

'oh   béébeet," hee3oohók, "     
 but   only         he said to them  

niibóótobéénoohóhk,             héétbetéeenee
when you hear me singing.    you will dance

noh  betéeeneehék,        héétno'úusíí'oonee,
and   when you dance    you will close your eyes

you will close your eyes

noh  héé3ebííni   béetootíneenoohóhk,
and   over there   when I finish singing
you will all call out

noh  héétniinéenííh'oow3etneekoohúnee,"
and   you will all flap your wings real hard

hé'ih'íí3ee           núhu'  síísiikóú'uu.
he said to them   these   ducks

'oh  núhu' síísiikóú'uu  hé'ihcéeceh'e3íhe'.
and  these   ducks           they all listened to him

hé'né'no'óeeno- hé'né'noo'óeeyookúútonéíht.
then around       then they stood all around him

then he started to sing

hé'né'betéee3i'      néhe' síísiikóú'uu.
then they danced   these  ducks

né'eebéetootinóóto'          níiyóu        núhu' niibóót,
then he finished singing   here it is   this     song

síísiikóú'uu  hé'né'néeníitóuuhuní3i.
the ducks      then they all called out

néhe' nih'óó3oo   hé'ihne'kóóhuníno.
this    trickster     he ran up to them??

he will kill them

he'ne'heenéi3-       heenéi3kúú3oot.
then he grabbed    he grabbed one

3óo3ó'ou'                                     hé'ihtébe'eikúú3ee,
right in the middle of the head  he busted his head

noh húútiino           hé'ih'iisciinkúú3ee.
and  around here    he would just throw the heads down

húútiino           he'íítox                               hé'ihnéé'eestoo,
around here     I don’t know how many   he did like that

he'íítox                              hé'ihnéé'eestoo.
I don’t know how many   he did like that

hííniibéí'i                      núhu' núhu' síísiiko'.
while he was singing   this     this    duck

hé'ih'óówoo3ítoo              tohouuwotee'eeni3i'
he was enjoying himself   since there were many songs

hónoot, hónoot he'iic-
until      until     a while...

he'iic[xooyeiniihi']   sii'oo
after a while              eyes closed...

céése' síísiiko' hé'ihkóxo'kóónookú'oo.
one      duck     he slowly opened his eyes to look

he slowly opened his eyes to look

hé'ih'ésoohóbe'    nih'óó3oo.
he watched him    trickster

when he finished singing

hei'néeníitóuuhuní3i        hoo3óó'o' síísiikóú'uu,
when they all called out   the other  ducks

néhe' nih'óó3oo  ne'kóóhuní3i.
this     trickster    then he ran up to them??

héétnoohówoot  nih'óó3oo  tih'e3kúú3ooní3i
he will see him   trickster    when he grabbed them

nuhu' síísiikóú'uu  tohuutébe'eikúú3oot.
these   ducks           when he was busting their heads

"heii!  hóóho'!    hóóho'!   koyíh'ohukóóhu'!
   hey!  look out   look out  fly the heck out of here!

nih'óó3oo héétnííni... héétnííni noh'éínee,
trickster    he will       he will kill you all

héétnoh'éíno'" heehéhk.
he will kill us    he said

they all flew the heck out of there quick as they could

núhu' síísiikóú'uu.
these   ducks

nih'óó3oo  hé'ih3óóxunéí'oohóbee  koyíh'ohuní3i.
trickster    he looked after them      the ones flying away

"hee  woonce'éenéiniisooni'.
  yes   they got away this time??

heetwoo3éénee,"                 hee3oohók
there will be a lot of you     he said to them

núhu' síísiikóú'uu.
these   ducks

then he gathered and layed them out

co'oo-       [hé'ih]co'éiisíbee.
the ones    he put them in a pile

hé'ihnó'otooyéisíbee             núhu' síísiikóú'uu.
he made a big pile of them   these   ducks

"hohoo," nih'iihok, "neebéhtooníhinoo"
  darn??   he said        I might almost have enough??

nih'íí3etiéhk           néhe' nih'óó3oo.
he said to himself   this    trickster

noh   hiiwóonhéhe'  nee'éétox      hi3oo3ii-
and   now                  it is enough   his...

hí3eenééce' ce'ííni  he'ih’eenéb.
later ...??     again   he thought??

"heenííboo3ítóótowoo   núhu'":
  I will “sing” it               these [willow sticks].

héétniisbíi3wóó3oot                  núhu' síísiikóú'uu.
that’s how he will cook them   these   ducks

that’s it.

