Boulder area
1. héétohbíí3oonóó’ ; 2. híí3einóón
níitbíí3ihí3i’ hoh’éni’ ;
3. noowóo3ííteen
Translation of Arapaho
1. ‘where it is steep’ ; 2. ‘buffalos where they graze on the mountain’ [?] ; 3. ‘Left Hand’s band’ [?]
: first name provided by Mark Soldierwolf. Appears to be a reference to the Flat Irons specifically. Second name provided by Lloyd Dewey. He said that it was a name for the Boulder area generally. See Thatchtop Mountain - the name may be a memory of that location and event, which is relatively near Boulder. Third name given by Mark Soldierwolf, as a name for the general area where Left Hand stayed. May be a modern designation, as naming places after individuals is not documented in traditional Arapaho naming style.