
lizards (in general)



Technical Information

Hayden’s report from 1863 identifies the seeniwo’ more specifically as ‘a rock lizard.’

Lizards in the area of traditional Arapaho occupation, in addition to the Horned Lizard, are:

Lesser Earless Lizard (Holbrookia maculata)

Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus graciosus)

Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)

Racerunner (Cnemidophorus sexlineatus)

Great Plains Skink (Eumeces obsoletus).


Lizards and the Arapaho

Schoolcraft’s 1851 report gives an additional word: <cor ah e>, probably something like coo’ee’i’. This word is unknown today.

Lizards - mainly Horned Lizards - were used in designs of navel-cord amulets.

An Eastern Fence Lizard sunning itself on a rock.