
swift fox



Translation of the Arapaho

‘little one who comes outside (from holes)’

Technical Information

Vulpes vulpes


Swift Foxes and the Arapaho

Swift Foxes were associated with the Kit (Swift) Fox Lodge age-grade ceremony (nouuhoowu’, nouuhnenno’). The skins were also used in the Spear Lodge (biitohoowu’) ceremony (The Arapaho, p. 170). Swift Fox was one of the animals who gave themselves to humans at the time when the Sacred Flat Pipe was first obtained by humankind. He stated “I am very pretty and charming, and have very quick actions, and since my fur is soft, I desire to place myself next to Flat- Pipe” (Dorsey, p. 200).

The area around Arminto, Wyoming is known as nouuhoowu’ (‘swift fox lodge/den’).