Predicate xATab

Frameset: f1 "to address / converse"

   ARG0: discussants
   ARG1: conversation partner


 (S (S (VP (it/they/she+follow/come_after |taliy- | تَلِي-)
	 (NP-OBJ (it/them/her |-hA | -ها))
	 (NP-SBJ (NP (campaign/expedition/attack |HamolapN | حَمْلَةٌ)
		     (second/next |vAniyapN | ثانِيَةٌ))
		 (SBAR (WHNP-1 (-NONE- *0*))
		       (S (VP (it/they/she+address/speak |tuxATibu | تُخاطِبُ)
			      (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
			      (NP-OBJ (the+emotion/affection |AlEATifapa | العاطِفَةَ)
				      (and |wa- | وَ-)
				      (the+logic |-AlmanoTiqa | -المَنْطِقَ))
			      (PP (for/to |li- | لِ-)
				  (NP (NP (incitement/instigation |-HaD~i | -حَضِّ)
					  (NP (the+consumer |Almusotaholiki | المُسْتَهْلِكِ)
					      (the+Lebanese |All~ubonAniy~i | اللُّبْنانِيِّ)))
				      (PP (on/above |EalaY | عَلَى)
					  (NP (purchase/purchasing |$irA'i | شِراءِ)
					      (NP (NP (products/manufactured_goods |munotajAtK | مُنْتَجاتٍ))
						  (NP (Lebanese |lubonAniy~api | لُبْنانِيَّةِ)
						      (the+building/making |AlS~unoEi | الصُّنْعِ)))))))))))))
  (PUNC ,) 

تَلِي- -ها حَمْلَةٌ ثانِيَةٌ تُخاطِبُ العاطِفَةَ وَ- -المَنْطِقَ لِ- -حَضِّ المُسْتَهْلِكِ اللُّبْنانِيِّ عَلَى 
شِراءِ مُنْتَجاتٍ لُبْنانِيَّةِ الصُّنْعِ ,

ARG0:  a second expedition">*T* -> HamolapN vAniyapN
Gloss: *T* -> a second expedition
ARG1: AlEATifapa wa- -AlmanoTiqa
Gloss: the emotion and the logic
ARGM-PRP: li- -HaD~i Almusotaholiki All~ubonAniy~i EalaY $irA'i munotajAtK lubonAniy~api AlS~unoEi
Gloss: to incite the lebanese consumer to buy lebanese products
REL:  xATab