Predicate waj~ah

Frameset: f1 "to address / send an invitation/warning..."

   ARG0: person who address
   ARG1: invitation/warning...
   ARG2: beneficiary


 (S (VP (send/direct+he/it |-waj~aha | -وَجَّهَ)
      (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
      (NP-OBJ (word/remark/speech |kalimapa | كَلِمَةَ)
	      (NP (thankfulness/thanks |$ukorK | شُكْرٍ)))
      (PP (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
	  (NP (NP (the+organization/agency |Alhayo}api | الهَيْئَةِ)
		  (the+voter/elector |Aln~Axibapi | النّاخِبَةِ))
	      (and |wa- | وَ-)
	      (NP (the+organizations/agencies |-Alhayo}Ati | -الهَيْئاتِ)
		  (the+allied |AlmutaHAlifapi | المُتَحالِفَةِ))))
      (PP (on/above |EalaY | عَلَى)
	  (NP (NP (trust/confidence |viqati- | ثِقَتِ-)
		  (its/their/her |-hA | -ها))
	      (PP (with/by |bi- | بِ-)
		  (NP (it/him |-hi | -هِ)))))))
(PUNC .)) 

-وَجَّهَ كَلِمَةَ شُكْرٍ إِلَى الهَيْئَةِ النّاخِبَةِ وَ- -الهَيْئاتِ المُتَحالِفَةِ عَلَى ثِقَتِ- -ها بِ- -هِ 

ARG0: *
Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
ARG1: kalimapa $ukorK
Gloss: grateful words
ARG2: <ilaY Alhayo}api Aln~Axibapi wa- -Alhayo}Ati AlmutaHAlifapi
Gloss: to the elector council and allied agencies
ARGM-CAU: EalaY viqati- -hA bi- -hi
Gloss: for her trust in him
REL:  waj~ah