Predicate wajad-i

Frameset: f1 "to find / find out"

   ARG0: the finder
   ARG1: thing found


 (S (S (NP-TPC-1 (they_ |-humA | -هُما))
     (VP (find+they_ |wajadA | وَجَدا)
	 (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
	 (PP (in |fiy | فِي)
	     (NP (decision/resolution |qarAri | قَرارِ)
		 (NP (council/board |majolisi | مَجْلِسِ)
		     (NP (the+security/safety |Al>amoni | الأَمْنِ)))))
	 (NP-OBJ (NP (the+excuse/justification |Almubar~irAti | المُبَرِّراتِ))
		 (NP (same/self |nafosa- | نَفْسَ-)
		     (its/their/her |-hA | -ها))
		 (PP (to/for |li- | لِ-)
		     (NP (NP (the+caution/reticence |-AltaHaf~uZi | -التَحَفُّظِ))
			 (NP (same/self/essence |*Ati- | ذاتِ-)
			     (its/his |-hi | -هِ)))))))
  (PUNC ,) 

-هُما وَجَدا فِي قَرارِ مَجْلِسِ الأَمْنِ المُبَرِّراتِ نَفْسَ- -ها لِ- -التَحَفُّظِ ذاتِ- -هِ , 

ARG0: *T*
Gloss: NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*)
ARG1: Almubar~irAti nafosa- -hA li- -AltaHaf~uZi *Ati- -hi
Gloss: the same excuses for the same caution
ARGM-TMP: fiy qarAri majolisi Al>amoni
Gloss: in the united nations decisions
REL:  wajad-i


 (S (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
     (PP-PRD (from |-min- | -مِن-)
	     (NP (them |-hum | -هُم)))
     (SBAR-NOM-SBJ (WHNP-1 (who/whom |man | مَن))
		   (S (VP (find+he/it |wajada | وَجَدَ)
			  (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
			  (S-CLR (NP-SBJ (the+questions/inquiries |Al>aso}ilapa | الأَسْئِلَةَ))
				 (ADJP-PRD (easy/simple |saholapF | سَهْلَةً))))))) 

وَ- -مِن- -هُم مَن وَجَدَ الأَسْئِلَةَ سَهْلَةً 

ARG0: *T*
Gloss: NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*)
ARG1:  Al>aso}ilapa saholapF
Gloss: the question easy
REL:  wajad-i