Predicate najaH-a

Frameset: f1 "win, accomplish some task"

   ARG0: entity suceeding
   ARG1: task accomplished


 (S (and/so |fa- | فَ-)
  (SBAR-ADV (if/whether |-<i*A | -إِذا)
	    (S (VP (succeed+it/they/she |najaHat | نَجَحَت)
		   (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
		   (PP-CLR (in |fiy | فِي)
			   (NP (preparation |<iEodAdi | إِعْدادِ)
			       (NP (the+professor |Al>usotA*i | الأُسْتاذِ)
				   (the+sufficient/enough |Alkafiy~i | الكَفِيِّ))))
		   (PP (on/above |EalaY | عَلَى)
		       (NP (NP (every/all/each_one |kul~i | كُلِّ)
			       (the+levels/standards |AlmusotawayAti | المُسْتَوَياتِ)
			       (the+educational/pedagogical/instructional |Alt~aEoliymiy~api | التَّعْلِيمِيَّةِ))))))) 

فَ- -إِذا نَجَحَت فِي إِعْدادِ الأُسْتاذِ الكَفِيِّ عَلَى كُلِّ المُسْتَوَياتِ التَّعْلِيمِيَّةِ 

ARG0: *
Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
ARG1: fiy <iEodAdi Al>usotA*i Alkafiy~i
Gloss: the preparation of the best teacher
ARGM-LOC: EalaY kul~i AlmusotawayAti Alt~aEoliymiy~api
Gloss: in all educational levels
REL:  najaH-a


 (S (VP (succeed+he/it |-najaHa | -نَجَحَ)
      (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
      (PP-CLR (in |fiy | فِي)
	      (NP (NP (the+escape/evasion/desertion/defection |AlfirAri | الفِرارِ))
		  (PP-DIR (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
			  (NP (the+Saudi_Arabia |Als~aEuwdiy~api | السَّعُودِيَّةِ))))))) 

-نَجَحَ فِي الفِرارِ إِلَى السَّعُودِيَّةِ 

ARG0: *
Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
ARG1:  fiy AlfirAri <ilaY Als~aEuwdiy~api
Gloss: to the escape towards the Saudi Arabia
REL:  najaH-a