Predicate may~az

Frameset: f1 "to differentiate"

   ARG0: entity causing separation
   ARG1: thing(s) being differentiated
   ARG2: source, differentiated from


 (NP (tool/instrument/apparatus |>adApF | أَداةً)
  (judicial/legal |qaDA}iy~apF | قَضائِيَّةً)
  (basic/fundamental |>asAsiy~apF | أَساسِيَّةً))
(SBAR (WHNP-2 (-NONE- *0*))
      (S (VP (it/they/she+distinguish/differentiate/discriminate |tumay~izu | تُمَيِّزُ)
	     (NP-SBJ-2 (-NONE- *T*))
	     (NP-OBJ (past |mADiy | ماضِي)
		     (NP (confrontation/battle |mukAfaHapi | مُكافَحَةِ)
			 (NP (NP (the+terrorism/terrorizing |Al<irohAbi | الإِرْهابِ))
			     (and |wa- | وَ-)
			     (NP (the+crime |-Aljariymapi | -الجَرِيمَةِ)
				 (the+organized/orderly/arranged |AlmunaZ~amapi | المُنَظَّمَةِ)))))
	     (PP (from/about/of |Ean | عَن)
		 (NP (future |musotaqobali- | مُسْتَقْبَلِ-)
		     (its/his |-hi | -هِ))))))
(PUNC ")))) 

أَداةً قَضائِيَّةً أَساسِيَّةً تُمَيِّزُ ماضِي مُكافَحَةِ الإِرْهابِ وَ- -الجَرِيمَةِ المُنَظَّمَةِ عَن مُسْتَقْبَلِ- -هِ 

ARG0:  a basic legal tool">*T* -> >adApF qaDA}iy~apF >asAsiy~apF
Gloss: *T* -> a basic legal tool
ARG1: mADiy mukAfaHapi Al<irohAbi wa- -Aljariymapi AlmunaZ~amapi
Gloss: the history of organised crime and terrorism
ARG2: Ean musotaqobali- -hi
Gloss: from his future
REL:  may~az

Frameset: f2 "to distinguish"

   ARG0: entity doing the distinction
   ARG1: thing(s) distinguished


 (NP (NP (the+force/oppression |AlbaTo$i | البَطْشِ))
  (SBAR (WHNP-2 (which/who/whom |Al~a*iy | الَّذِي))
	(S (VP (he/it+distinguish/differentiate/discriminate |yumay~izu | يُمَيِّزُ)
	       (NP-SBJ-2 (-NONE- *T*))
	       (NP-OBJ (power/strength |quw~apa | قُوَّةَ)
		       (NP (the+state/country |Ald~awolapi | الدَّوْلَةِ)))))))))
(PUNC ,) 

البَطْشِ الَّذِي يُمَيِّزُ قُوَّةَ الدَّوْلَةِ , 

ARG0:  the oppression">*T* -> AlbaTo$i
Gloss: *T* - > the oppression
ARG1: quw~apa Ald~awolapi
Gloss: the power of the state
REL:  may~az