Predicate EAraD

Frameset: f1 "to oppose"

   ARG0: opposer
   ARG1: thing opposed


 (S (VP (oppose/resist+he/it |EAraDa | عارَضَ)
      (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (minister |waziyru | وَزِيرُ)
		      (NP (the+foreign_ministry/foreign_office |AlxArijiy~api | الخارِجِيَّةِ)))
		  (ADJP (the+American |Al>amiyrokiy~u | الأَمِيرْكِيُّ)))
	      (NP (Colin |kuwlin | كُولِن)
		  (Powell |bAwil | باوِل)))
      (NP-OBJ (continuation/continuity |AisotimorAra | اِسْتِمْرارَ)
	      (NP (the+discussions/talks/negotiations |AlmuHAdavAti | المُحادَثاتِ)))
      (PP-TMP (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
	      (NP (NP (period/term |>ajalK | أَجَلٍ))
		  (ADJP (not/other |gayori | غَيْرِ)
			(called/named |musam~YF | مُسَمّىً)))))) 

عارَضَ وَزِيرُ الخارِجِيَّةِ الأَمِيرْكِيُّ كُولِن باوِل اِسْتِمْرارَ المُحادَثاتِ إِلَى أَجَلٍ غَيْرِ مُسَمّىً 

ARG0: waziyru AlxArijiy~api Al>amiyrokiy~u kuwlin bAwil
Gloss: the minister of foreign affairs the americain Collin Powell
ARG1: AisotimorAra AlmuHAdavAti
Gloss: the continuation of the negotiations
ARGM-TMP: <ilaY >ajalK gayori musam~YF
Gloss: for an illimited time