Predicate Dam~-u

Frameset: f1 "to make join"

   ARG0: agent
   ARG1: entity that joined
   ARG2: attribute of arg1


 (NP-SBJ (NP (privacy/seclusion/booth |xalowapN | خَلْوَةٌ))
  (SBAR (WHNP-2 (-NONE- *0*))
	(S (VP (include/comprise/incorporate+it/they/she |Dam~at | ضَمَّت)
	       (NP-SBJ-2 (-NONE- *T*))
	       (NP-OBJ (NP (president/head/chairman |ra}iysa | رَئِيسَ)
			   (NP (the+republic |Aljumohuwriy~api | الجُمْهُورِيَّةِ)))
		       (NP (Emile/Emil |<imiyl | إِمِيل)
			   (Lahoud |laHuwd | لَحُود))
		       (and |wa- | وَ-)
		       (NP (Rafiq/Rafeek |-rafiyq | -رَفِيق)
			   (the+Hariri |AlHariyriy~ | الحَرِيرِيّ)))
	       (NP-TMP (period_of_time/interval |mud~apa | مُدَّةَ)
			   (quarters/fourths |>arobAEi | أَرْباعِ)
			   (the+hour/time |Als~AEapi | السّاعَةِ))))))))
(PUNC .)) 

خَلْوَةٌ ضَمَّت رَئِيسَ الجُمْهُورِيَّةِ إِمِيل لَحُود وَ- -رَفِيق الحَرِيرِيّ مُدَّةَ vlAvp أَرْباعِ السّاعَةِ 

ARG0: privacy">*T*->xalowapN
Gloss: NP-SBJ-2 (-NONE- *T*)->privacy
ARG1: ra}iysa Aljumohuwriy~api <imiyl laHuwd wa- -rafiyq AlHariyriy~
Gloss: the president Emile Lahud and Rafik Al Hariri
ARGM-TMP: mud~apa vlAvp >arobAEi Als~AEapi
Gloss: a period of 45 minutes
REL:  Dam~-u