Predicate $agal-a

Frameset: f1 "to occupy"

   ARG0: occupier
   ARG1: occupation


 (S (VP (take/begin+we |>axa*onA | أَخَذْنا)
      (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
      (NP-OBJ (NP (the+phase/time_period/interval |Alfatorapa | الفَتْرَةَ))
	      (SBAR (WHNP-1 (which/who/whom |Al~atiy | الَّتِي))
		    (S (VP (occupy/preoccupy/employ+he/it |$agala | شَغَلَ)
			   (PP-TMP (in |fiy- | فِي-)
				   (NP (NP (it/them/her |-hA | -ها))
				       (NP-1 (-NONE- *T*))))
			   (NP-SBJ (the+Sir/Mr./Mister |Als~ay~idu | السَّيِّدُ)
				   (the+doctor/Doctor/Dr. |Ald~ukotuwru | الدُّكْتُورُ)
				   (Muhammad/Mohamed |muHam~ad | مُحَمَّد)
				   (the+Atrash |Al>aTora$ | الأَطْرَش))
			   (NP-OBJ (post/position/office |manoSiba | مَنْصِبَ)
				   (NP (minister |waziyri | وَزِيرِ)
				       (NP (the+economy/saving |AlAiqotiSAdi | الاِقْتِصادِ))))
			   (NP-TMP (NP (year+two |EAmayo | عامَيْ))
				   (NP (NUM 1980)
				       (and |wa | وَ)
				       (NUM 1981)))))))))) 

أَخَذْنا الفَتْرَةَ الَّتِي شَغَلَ فِي- -ها السَّيِّدُ الدُّكْتُورُ مُحَمَّد الأَطْرَش مَنْصِبَ وَزِيرِ الاِقْتِصادِ 
عامَيْ 1980 وَ 1981

ARG0: Als~ay~idu Ald~ukotuwru muHam~ad
Gloss: Mr. the doctor Muhammaed
ARG1: manoSiba waziyri AlAiqotiSAdi
Gloss: the position of minister of economy
ARGM-TMP:  period">fiy- hA *T* -> Alfatorapa
Gloss: in it *T* -> period
ARGM-TMP: EAmayo 1980 wa 1981
Gloss: the year of 1980 and 1981
REL:  $agal-a