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No Comments transfer_mesg-37.1.1
Members: 23, Frames: 10
Class Hierarchy

Members Key
boil_down (wn 1)
communicate (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2)
corroborate (wn 2)
demonstrate (wn 1; g 2)
elucidate (wn 1, 2)
explain (wn 1, 2; g 1)
explicate (wn 1)
expound (wn 1)
illustrate (wn 1)
justify (fn 1, 2; wn 3; g 1)
narrate (wn 2; g 2)
outline (fn 1; wn 1)
pose (wn 1; g 1)
preach (fn 1, 2; wn 1; g 1)
recap (wn 1)
recite (wn 2, 3, 4; g 1)
relay (wn 1; g 1)
sniff (g 3)
snitch (wn 2)
sum_up (wn 1)
summarize (fn 1; wn 1)
verify (wn 1, 4)
write_in (wn 2; g 1)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
NP V how S
   example "I explained how it can be done."
   syntax Agent V Topic <+how_extract>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V how S_INF
   example "I explained how to do it."
   syntax Agent V Topic <+wh_inf>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V PP.recipient how S
   example "I explained to her how it can be done."
   syntax Agent V {to} Recipient Topic <+how_extract>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V PP.recipient how S_INF
   example "I explained to her how to do it."
   syntax Agent V {to} Recipient Topic <+wh_inf>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V what S
   example "I explained what he should do."
   syntax Agent V Topic <+what_extract>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V what S_INF
   example "I explained what to do."
   syntax Agent V Topic <+what_inf>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
   example "I explained the matter."
   syntax Agent V Topic <-sentential>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.recipient
   example "I explained the matter to them."
   syntax Agent V Topic <-sentential> {to} Recipient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V PP.source
   example "I explained from Simone de Beauvoir's essay on the Marquis de Sade."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
   example "I explained."
   syntax Agent V
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)

No Comments transfer_mesg-37.1.1-1
Members: 3, Frames: 1

Members Key
dictate (wn 2; g 2)
quote (wn 1; g 1)
read (wn 3; g 4)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP-Dative NP
   example "Wanda taught the students French."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Topic <-sentential>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)

No Comments transfer_mesg-37.1.1-1-1
Members: 4, Frames: 7

Members Key
show (fn 1, 2; wn 7; g 1)
teach (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
tell (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 3; g 1)
write (fn 1; wn 2, 4, 5; g 1)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP.recipient
   example "Wanda taught the students."
   syntax Agent V Recipient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
   example "Wanda asked me to present a new proposal."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Topic <+oc_to_inf>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
   example "Wanda told me about climbing the mountain."
   syntax Agent V Recipient {about} Topic <+ac_ing>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
   example "She told him that he should not go."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Topic <+that_comp>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP what S
   example "She told him what she was doing."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Topic <+what_extract>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP what S_INF
   example "She told him what to do."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Topic <+what_inf>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP how S
   example "She told him how he did it."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Topic <+how_extract>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, ch_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E)


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