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Members: 72, Frames: 2
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
ache (wn 2; g 2)
anger (wn 2; g 1)
anguish (wn 1)
approve (wn 1, 2; g 2)
bask (wn 1)
beware (wn 1)
bleed (g 2)
bother (wn 1; g 1)
care (wn 1, 5; g 1)
chafe (wn 1, 2; g 2)
cheer (wn 4; g 2)
cringe (wn 1, 2)
cry (wn 2; g 3)
delight (wn 2; g 1)
despair (wn 1)
die (fn 1; g 10)
disapprove (wn 1, 2; g 1)
enthuse (wn 2)
exult (wn 1, 2)
fear (wn 1; g 2)
feel (g 1)
flip_out (wn 1, 2)
freak_out (wn 1)
fret (wn 1, 2; g 1)
fume (wn 1; g 1)
gladden (wn 2)
gloat (wn 1, 2)
glory (wn 1)
go_ballistic (wn 1)
grieve (wn 1)
hunger (wn 2; g 1)
hurt (wn 7; g 1)
lose_it (wn 1)
luxuriate (wn 2; g 2)
madden (wn 2)
marvel (wn 1, 2)
mind (wn 2; g 1)
moon (wn 1)
mope (wn 2)
mourn (wn 1; g 1)
obsess (wn 2; g 1)
puzzle (wn 2; g 2)
rage (wn 1, 3; g 1, 2)
react (wn 1; g 1)
rejoice (wn 1, 3; g 1)
revel (wn 1)
sadden (wn 2)
salivate (wn 2)
seethe (wn 2; g 2)
sicken (wn 1; g 1)
sorrow (wn 1)
start (wn 7; g 7)
stew (wn 1, 2; g 1)
suffer (wn 3, 6, 8; g 1)
sulk (wn 1)
swoon (wn 1)
thrill (wn 2; g 1)
tire (wn 1; g 2)
triumph (g 2)
wallow (wn 1, 4, 5)
weary (wn 2)
weep (wn 1)
wonder (wn 3; g 2)
worry (wn 1, 2; g 1)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
   example "I will suffer."
   syntax Experiencer V
   semantics emotional_state(result(E), Emotion, Experiencer) in_reaction_to(E, Stimulus)
NP V PP.stimulus
   example "Megan marveled at the Grand Canyon."
   syntax Experiencer V {} Stimulus
   semantics emotional_state(result(E), Emotion, Experiencer) in_reaction_to(E, Stimulus)


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