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No Comments drive-11.5
Members: 9, Frames: 5
Class Hierarchy

Members Key
bike (wn 1)
drive (fn 3, 2, 1; wn 3; g 1)
motor (wn 1)
paddle (fn 2; wn 1; g 1)
row (wn 1)
tool (wn 1, 2; g 1)
tool_around (wn 1)
trundle (wn 1)
wheel (fn 3; wn 2; g 3)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
   example "Amanda drove the package."
   syntax Agent V Theme
   semantics motion(during(E0), Theme) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) cause(Agent, E0)
NP V NP PP.destination
   example "Amanda drove the package to New York."
   syntax Agent V Theme {to towards} Destination
   semantics motion(during(E0), Theme) path_rel(end(E0), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) path_rel(end(E1), Agent, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E0)
NP V NP PP.initial_location
   example "Amanda drove the package from home."
   syntax Agent V Theme {{+src}} Initial_Location
   semantics motion(during(E0), Theme) path_rel(start(E0), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) path_rel(start(E1), Agent, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E0)
NP V NP PP.initial_location PP.destination
   example "Amanda drove the package from home to New York."
   syntax Agent V Theme {{+src}} Initial_Location {to towards} Destination
   semantics motion(during(E0), Theme) path_rel(start(E0), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) path_rel(end(E0), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) path_rel(start(E1), Agent, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) path_rel(end(E1), Agent, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E0)
NP V NP PP.destination PP.initial_location
   example "Amanda drove Penny to New York from home."
   syntax Agent V Theme {to} Destination {{+src}} Initial_Location
   semantics motion(during(E0), Theme) path_rel(start(E0), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) path_rel(end(E0), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) path_rel(start(E1), Agent, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) path_rel(end(E1), Agent, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E0)

No Comments drive-11.5-1
Members: 7, Frames: 5

Members Key
barge (wn 2)
bus (wn 1)
cart (wn 2)
ferry (fn 5; wn 1, 2; g 1)
fly (fn 5, 2, 4, 3, 1; wn 4; g 1)
shuttle (wn 1)
truck (wn 1)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
   example "Amanda shuttled her children."
   syntax Agent V Theme
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.initial_location
   example "Amanda shuttled her children from Philadelphia."
   syntax Agent V Theme {{+src}} Initial_Location
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.destination
   example "Amanda shuttled the children to school."
   syntax Agent V Theme {to} Destination
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.initial_location PP.destination
   example "Amanda trucked the package from Philadelphia to her mother's house."
   syntax Agent V Theme {{+src}} Initial_Location {to} Destination
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.destination PP.initial_location
   example "Amanda trucked the package to her mother's house from Philadelphia."
   syntax Agent V Theme {to} Destination {{+src}} Initial_Location
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep) path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep) cause(Agent, E)


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