Inspector: Usage
Usage: java vn.Inspector [flags] <x> [-V <v>] [-O <o>]

NOTE: Command-line elements can occur in any order.  Any element between
      [ ] is optional.  -V, -O are called "operators".  Space between
      operators and their arguments is optional.  Command-line elements
      are case-sensitive.

  -?    Display usage message and exit
  -k    Display key and exit
  -c    Display class hierarchy and exit (-V operator irrelevant)
  -h    Suppress header before output
  -n    Suppress final counts after output
  -m    Include more counts by class (class counts inactive by default)
  -0    Include count categories with a zero count
  -w    Print the name of the current class being processed to stderr
  -s    Sort the members in each class or subclass
  -i    Indent output
  -z    Suppress <NO ...> for subclasses, members, thematic roles and frames
  -q    Force underlying scanning system to operate on verb-frame pairs
        NOTE: This scans the classes in the same manner as -Vq displays them,
        but does not imply printing anything.  Exists so that you can make
        verb-frame pair events fire without printing anything.  If this option
        is specified, -Vm and -Vr imply -Vq if either is supplied. Also,
        -Vq implies -q.
  -v    Invert the order of -q or -Vq so as to visit verb-frame pairs in a
        frame-major order instead of a verb-major order (-q or -Vq required)
  -e    Suppress all events from firing
  -r    Replicate labels that cause additional nesting (file, class, subclass,
        and frame) before each and every line that is printed.  This option is
        provided for increased interoperability with grep.  Grep's -B option
        can be used to show the class and/or frame associated when searching
        for a given pattern in the Inspector's output.

<x>: "VerbNet XML Input Directory"
        Directory where all the VerbNet XML files reside (i.e. care-88.xml).
        Note that the DTD file should also be located in this directory.

<v>: "View Options"
        Control what output is extacted from the XML files and sent to
        the console.  Example: '-Vcv' shows all verbs and the classes or
        subclasses that they belong to.   These are the available options:
            f - file names
            c - class and subclass names
            n - counts (members and frames, -Vc required)
            m - members (i.e. verbs)
            w - WordNet sense tags (-Vm required)
            t - thematic roles
            u - selectional restrictions for thematic roles (-Vt required)
            r - frames
            e - examples
            x - syntax
            y - syntax restrictions for syntax (-Vx required)
            z - selectional restrictions for syntax (-Vx required)
            s - semantics
            a - all above options
            q - verb-frame pairs (implies -Vm, -Vr and -q)
            b - complete XML file content (includes obscure attributes)

<o>: "Only These Files"
        An optional token used to limit the Inspector to a set of VerbNet
        XML files.  This is a comma-delimited list of file names.  However,
        you do not have to specify an entire file name.  You can specify any
        number of characters that you want for each file name.  If an XML file
        begins with the characters of any one of the file names you provided,
        it will be processed.  No space is allowed in <o> token.  Examples:
            -Ochase-51.6.xml - the file chase-51.6.xml
            -O chase-51.6.xml - same as above
            -O chase-51.6 - same as above
            -O chase - same as above (quite useful)
            -O chase-51.6.xml,force-59.xml - both of these files
            -O chase-51.6,force-59 - same as above
            -O chase,force - same as above
            -O chase, force - INVALID - no space allowed
            -O ch,force-59 - all files that begin with a 'ch' and force-59.xml
            -O m,n - all files that begin with an 'm' or an 'n'
This page created on 2006.10.15.