Predicate: working

Roleset id: working.01 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        the workings of the recently formed Resolution Trust Corp. , a
        federal agency charged with disposing of an estimated $ 200
        billion of real estate dumped in government hands by insolvent
        savings and loans

        Arg2-REF : workings
        Rel : workings
        Arg1 : of the recently formed Resolution Trust Corp. , a federal agency charged with disposing of an estimated $ 200 billion of real estate dumped in government hands by insolvent savings and loans

Example: autogen2

        the suspension 's inner workings

        Arg1 : the suspension 's
        Arg2-REF : workings
        Rel : workings