Predicate: work

Roleset id: work.01 , work, vncls:


        Arg0: worker
        Arg1: job, project
        Arg2: employer
        Arg3: coworker
        Arg4: instrumental
        Arg5: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        its subcontract work with prime contractor McDonnell Douglas Corp

        Arg0 : its
        Arg1 : subcontract
        Rel : work
        Arg3 : with prime contractor McDonnell Douglas Corp

Example: autogen2

        Computer Sciences will perform data processing work for the
        Postal Service under the three-year contract , which also
        includes two additional option years for which compensation has
        n't yet been fixed .

        Arg0 : Computer Sciences
        ArgSupport : perform
        Arg1 : data processing
        Rel : work
        Arg2 : for the Postal Service

Roleset id: work.02 , noun only, vncls:


        Arg1: thing getting underway

Example: autogen1

        , at long last , changes may be in the works

        Arg1 : changes
        Rel : works

Example: autogen2

        there are n't any major deals in the works currently on the scale
        of Sony Corp. 's recent $ 3.4 billion agreement to buy Columbia
        Pictures Entertainment Inc.

        Arg1 : any major deals
        Rel : works

Roleset id: work.03 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        he modeled his work on Western classics

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : work
        Arg1 : on Western classics

Example: autogen2

        her gridded two-dimensional works

        Arg0 : her
        Rel : works

Roleset id: work.04 , at-work, vncls: 39.6


        Arg1: thing existing
        Arg2: secondary attribute

Example: autogen1

        The forces at work

        Arg1 : The forces
        Rel : work

Example: autogen2

        There 's a certain cruel logic at work here

        Arg1 : a certain cruel logic
        Rel : work