Predicate: word

Roleset id: word.01 , nomlike, vncls: 36.1


        Arg0: first (or all) communicator
        Arg1: utterance
        Arg2: other communicator(s

Example: autogen1

        As I watched him on C-Span , I heard him speak those lovely words
        about the Bill of Rights , which he quotes from the transcript of
        the hearings .

        Arg2 : I
        ArgSupport : heard speak
        Arg0 : him
        ArgM-MNR : lovely
        Rel : words
        Arg1 : about the Bill of Rights

Example: autogen2

        the company 's share price has held up so well when , in Mr.
        Smith 's words , `` most companies would have unraveled '' by now

        Arg0 : Mr. Smith 's
        Rel : words
        Arg1 : most companies would have unraveled '' by now