Predicate: voice

Roleset id: voice.01 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        a fallible narrative voice

        Arg2 : fallible
        Arg1 : narrative
        Rel : voice

Example: autogen2

        the voices of skepticism

        Rel : voices
        Arg2 : of skepticism

Roleset id: voice.02 , decide, vncls:


        Arg0: decider
        Arg1: decision

Example: autogen1

        their American employees get a voice in planning , product
        development and design , including decision-making back in Japan

        Arg0 : their American employees
        ArgSupport : get
        Rel : voice
        Arg1 : in planning , product development and design , including decision-making back in Japan

Example: autogen2

        giving blacks a voice in national government

        ArgSupport : giving
        Arg0 : blacks
        Rel : voice
        Arg1 : in national government