Predicate: turn

Roleset id: turn.01 , rotation, vncls: 40.3.2


        Arg0: turner
        Arg1: thing turning
        ArgM: direction, location

Example: autogen1

        Mr. Bakes previously had a turn at running Continental .

        Arg0 : Mr. Bakes
        ArgSupport : had
        Rel : turn
        Arg1 : at running Continental

Example: autogen2

        they took an upward turn

        Arg1 : they
        ArgSupport : took
        ArgM-DIR : upward
        Rel : turn

Roleset id: turn.02 , ability-with-agent, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: action

Example: autogen1

        their turn to speak to the underwriters

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : turn
        Arg1-PRD : to speak to the underwriters

Example: autogen2

        the World Bank 's Turn to Adjust

        Arg0 : the World Bank 's
        Rel : Turn
        Arg1-PRD : to Adjust