Predicate: trust

Roleset id: trust.01 , group, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified/descriptor
        Arg2: employer/leader/pivot
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        Ryder 's A-1 collateral trust debentures

        Arg2 : Ryder 's
        Arg1 : collateral
        Rel : trust

Example: autogen2

        her family trust

        Arg2 : her
        Arg1 : family
        Rel : trust

Roleset id: trust.02 , put faith in, vncls: 31.2


        Arg0: truster
        Arg1: thing trusted

Example: autogen1

        international trust in Japan

        Arg0 : international
        Rel : trust
        Arg1 : in Japan

Example: autogen2

        their positions of trust

        Arg1 : their
        ArgSupport : positions of
        Rel : trust