Predicate: toll

Roleset id: toll.01 , government charging money, vncls: 54.5


        Arg0: taxer
        Arg1: amount of tax
        Arg2: taxpayer
        Arg3: commodity

Example: autogen1

        its toll on foreign-exchange reserves

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : toll
        Arg3 : on foreign-exchange reserves

Example: autogen2

        to have taken their toll on September new-home sales , which are
        believed to have fallen sharply from August 's 755,000 units

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : toll
        Arg2 : on September new-home sales , which are believed to have fallen sharply from August 's 755,000 units

Roleset id: toll.02 , count, enumerate, come to a total, vncls:


        Arg0: counter, agent
        Arg1: thing counted, summed

Example: autogen1

        This human toll

        Arg1 : human
        Rel : toll

Example: autogen2

        the death toll

        Arg1 : death
        Rel : toll