Predicate: time

Roleset id: time.01 , environment/partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        the state 's recent hard economic times

        Arg0 : the state 's
        ArgM-TMP : recent
        Arg2 : hard
        Arg1 : economic
        Rel : times

Example: autogen2

        PBS air dates and times

        Arg3 : PBS
        Arg1 : air
        Rel : times

Roleset id: time.02 , meronym, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen1

        certain times of the year

        Rel : times
        Arg1 : of the year

Example: autogen2

        the experiments ' quiescent times

        Arg1 : the experiments '
        Rel : times

Roleset id: time.03 , multiply, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: amount

Example: autogen1

        For example , a recent $ 375 million offering of Petrolane Gas
        Services L.P. bonds sold by First Boston was three times
        oversubscribed .

        Arg2 : three
        Rel : times
        Arg1 : oversubscribed

Example: autogen2

        also were several times larger than those suffered by many stock
        traders in New York

        Arg2 : several
        Rel : times
        Arg1 : larger

Roleset id: time.04 , attribute/music, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        4/4 time

        Arg2 : 4/4
        Rel : time

Roleset id: time.05 , attribute/scale, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        big time chaos

        Arg2 : big
        Rel : time
        Arg1 : chaos

Example: autogen2

        They 're small time in the small time-hotels -LRB- not the best
        ones -RRB- and restaurants in Seattle .

        Arg1 : They
        Arg2 : small
        Rel : time

Roleset id: time.06 , complex-prep-in-time-to/in-time-for-before, vncls:


        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        it would be passed in time to affect the American and United Air
        Lines bids

        Rel : time
        Arg1-PRD : to affect the American and United Air Lines bids

Example: autogen2

        time for Halloween

        Rel : time
        Arg1 : for Halloween

Roleset id: time.07 , mark-time, vncls:


        Arg1: waiter
        Arg2: event

Example: autogen1

        a pampered jock marking time until he can land a seven-figure pro
        contract -- he 's part of a tiny minority

        Arg1 : a pampered jock
        ArgSupport : marking
        Rel : time
        Arg2 : until he can land a seven-figure pro contract

Example: autogen2

        many European companies to mark time before bidding for American
        companies , in the hope that share prices will come down

        Arg1 : many European companies
        ArgSupport : mark
        Rel : time
        Arg2 : before bidding for American companies

Roleset id: time.08 , take-time-off-from, vncls:


        Arg0: worker
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        he took time off from work for somebody he did n't even know

        Arg0 : he
        ArgSupport : took
        Rel : time
        Arg1 : *ICH*-1 ---> from work
        ArgM-MNR : *ICH*-2 ---> for somebody he did n't even know

Example: autogen2

        to take time off for a massage

        Arg0 : *
        ArgSupport : take
        Rel : time
        ArgM-PNC : for a massage