Predicate: term

Roleset id: term.01 , time-period-for-office-or-loan, vncls: 54.2


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: period of time
        Arg3: until

Example: autogen1

        his first 10-year term as judge

        Arg0 : his
        Arg2 : 10-year
        Rel : term
        Arg1 : as judge

Example: autogen2

        The offering is backed by Freddie Mac 's 10 % issue with a
        weighted average term to maturity of 29.583 months .

        Arg1 : Freddie Mac 's 10 % issue
        Rel : term
        Arg3 : to maturity
        Arg2 : of 29.583 months

Roleset id: term.02 , agree, vncls:


        Arg0: agreer
        Arg1: proposition
        Arg2: other entity agreeing

Example: autogen1

        better investment terms for the British carrier

        Arg1 : investment
        Rel : terms
        Arg0 : for the British carrier

Example: autogen2

        the best purchase price or lease terms

        Arg1 : lease
        Rel : terms

Roleset id: term.03 , come-to-terms-with, vncls:


        Arg0: understander
        Arg1: thing understood
        Arg2: attribute of arg1

Example: autogen1

        Tokyo comes to terms with its new status as the region 's
        economic behemoth

        Arg0 : Tokyo
        ArgSupport : comes to
        Rel : terms
        Arg1 : with its new status as the region 's economic behemoth

Example: autogen2

        class-conscious Britain is n't ready to come to terms with the
        wealth created by the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime

        Arg0 : class-conscious Britain ---> *
        ArgSupport : come to
        Rel : terms
        Arg2 : with the wealth created by the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime

Roleset id: term.04 , on-good-terms/nomlike, vncls: 29.4


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: actor2
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        China were still on good terms with foreign lenders

        Arg0 : China
        Arg2 : good
        Rel : terms
        Arg1 : with foreign lenders

Example: autogen2

        Mr. Steinberg is thought to be on friendly terms with UAL 's Mr.
        Wolf .

        Arg0 : Mr. Steinberg ---> *-1
        Arg2 : friendly
        Rel : terms
        Arg1 : with UAL 's Mr. Wolf

Roleset id: term.05 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        its 1982 level in real dollar terms

        Arg2 : its 1982 level
        Arg1 : dollar
        Rel : terms

Example: autogen2

        The Dow 's decline was second in point terms only to the
        508-point Black Monday crash that occurred Oct. 19 , 1987 .

        Arg2 : second
        Arg1 : point
        Rel : terms

Roleset id: term.06 , signify, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        General Motors , for example , uses metric terms for its
        automobile bodies and power trains .

        Arg0 : metric
        Rel : terms
        Arg1 : for its automobile bodies and power trains

Example: autogen2

        the Japanese term for the largest of the global trading houses

        Arg0 : Japanese
        Rel : term
        Arg1 : for the largest of the global trading houses

Roleset id: term.07 , complex-preps-in-terms-of/in-x-terms, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        terms of money

        Rel : terms
        Arg1 : of money

Example: autogen2

        terms of sheetrock by the square foot , carpeting by the square
        yard , wallpaper by the roll , molding by the linear foot

        Rel : terms
        Arg1 : of sheetrock by the square foot , carpeting by the square yard , wallpaper by the roll , molding by the linear foot