Predicate: sweep

Roleset id: sweep.01 , nomlike/win, vncls: 13.5.1


        Arg0: winner
        Arg1: thing won (contest or prize
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: loser, giver of prize
        Arg4: in-exchange-for
        Arg5: score

Example: autogen1

        The Oakland Athletics ' four-game sweep over the San Francisco
        Giants in the World Series

        Arg0 : The Oakland Athletics '
        Arg1 : four-game
        Rel : sweep
        Arg3 : over the San Francisco Giants

Example: autogen2

        The Oakland Athletics won baseball 's World Series , defeating
        the San Francisco Giants in a four-game sweep .

        Arg0 : The Oakland Athletics ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : defeating in
        Arg3 : the San Francisco Giants
        Arg1 : four-game
        Rel : sweep

Roleset id: sweep.02 , attribute/nomadj-sweeping, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        Published in 1949 , it follows the decline of a Cairo family with
        the saga-like sweep and rich detail that critics often compare to
        Dickens , Balzac and Galsworthy .

        Arg1 : it
        Arg2 : saga-like
        Rel : sweep

Roleset id: sweep.03 , cause to) move in a sweeping manner, vncls: 51.3.2


        Arg0: cause of motion
        Arg1: thing in motion
        Arg2: location
        Arg3: destination

Example: autogen1

        the global sweep of the financial markets

        Rel : sweep
        Arg1 : of the financial markets

Roleset id: sweep.04 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        the wide sweep of scandals over the past 30 years

        Rel : sweep
        Arg1 : of scandals over the past 30 years