Predicate: suspension

Roleset id: suspension.01 , put a stop to, temporarily, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme (action or object being stopped
        Arg2: attribute of arg1
        Arg3: instrument
        Arg4: crime

Example: autogen1

        the Comex 's nine-month suspension of Mr. Semel

        Arg0 : the Comex 's
        Rel : suspension
        Arg1 : of Mr. Semel

Example: autogen2

        Biscayne Securities Corp. , of Lauderhill , Fla. , and a
        principal of the firm , Alvin Rosenblum of Plantation , Fla. ,
        were jointly fined $ 20,000 and given 10-day suspensions for
        allegedly selling securities at unfair prices .

        Arg1 : Biscayne Securities Corp. , of Lauderhill , Fla. , and a principal of the firm , Alvin Rosenblum of Plantation , Fla. , ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : given
        Rel : suspensions
        Arg3 : for allegedly selling securities at unfair prices

Roleset id: suspension.02 , hang, vncls: 9.2-1


        Arg0: agent, entity causing something to be suspended
        Arg1: thing suspended
        Arg2: suspended from

Example: autogen1

        vehicle-suspension systems

        Arg1 : vehicle-suspension
        Rel : vehicle-suspension

Example: autogen2

        its `` hydraulic active suspension ''

        Arg0 : its
        ArgM-MNR : active
        Rel : suspension