Predicate: step

Roleset id: step.01 , ability/modified, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme/action
        Arg2: direction

Example: autogen1

        Steve Jobs took a step back from the frontier of
        personal-computer technology in an effort to spur sales of Next
        Inc. 's new machine .

        Arg0 : Steve Jobs
        ArgSupport : took
        Rel : step
        Arg2 : back
        Arg1 : from the frontier of personal-computer technology

Example: autogen2

        their first steps into American publishing

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : steps
        Arg1 : into American publishing

Roleset id: step.02 , meronym/partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen1

        the pit 's top step

        Arg1 : the pit 's
        Rel : step

Example: autogen2

        the Capitol steps

        Arg1 : Capitol
        Rel : steps

Roleset id: step.03 , compatible, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: standard

Example: autogen1

        he is out of step with the consensus of world intellectuals that
        the Namibian guerrillas were above all else the victims of
        suppression by neighboring South Africa

        Arg1 : he
        ArgM-NEG : out of
        Rel : step
        Arg2 : with the consensus of world intellectuals that the Namibian guerrillas were above all else the victims of suppression by neighboring South Africa

Example: autogen2

        late Friday afternoon the CBOE halted stock-index options trading
        in step with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's halt in
        stock-index futures

        Arg1 : the CBOE halted stock-index options trading
        Rel : step
        Arg2 : with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's halt in stock-index futures

Roleset id: step.04 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        only a few steps from the very top of the stands

        Rel : steps
        Arg1 : from the very top of the stands

Example: autogen2

        At one point , the reader is two steps ahead of Marlowe in
        catching on to a double identity scam

        Rel : steps
        Arg1 : ahead of Marlowe