Predicate: silence

Roleset id: silence.01 , nomadj-silent/silent-about, vncls:


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: topic
        Arg2: recipient

Example: autogen1

        the administration 's public silence on the Fed

        Arg0 : the administration 's
        Arg2 : public
        Rel : silence
        Arg1 : on the Fed

Example: autogen2

        the first to use silences and sentence fragments and menacing
        stares , almost to the exclusion of what we previously understood
        to be theatrical dialogue

        Arg0 : the first ---> 0 ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : use
        Rel : silences

Roleset id: silence.02 , attribute/nomadj-silent, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        But `` an eerie silence pervaded '' the junk market Friday as
        prices tumbled on hundreds of high-yield bonds despite `` no
        active trading

        Arg2-REF : silence
        Rel : silence
        ArgSupport : pervaded
        Arg1 : the junk market