Predicate: side

Roleset id: side.01 , partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen1

        the other side of the globe

        Rel : side
        Arg1 : of the globe

Example: autogen2

        our utility side

        Arg1 : our
        Rel : side

Roleset id: side.02 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        Pachinko is slightly on the shady side , often linked to the
        lower ranks of Japan 's underworld and regularly at the top of
        annual lists of tax evaders .

        Arg1 : Pachinko
        Arg2 : shady
        Rel : side

Example: autogen2

        But on the bearish side , that may be too much to expect .

        Arg2 : bearish
        Rel : side
        Arg1 : that may be too much to expect

Roleset id: side.03 , ally-of, vncls:


        Arg1: old party
        Arg2: new party
        Arg3: topic/issue/enemy

Example: autogen1

        the Georgia Democrat was taking his side against regulators who
        wanted to curb risky investments and wholesale deposit brokering

        Arg2 : the Georgia Democrat
        ArgSupport : taking
        Arg1 : his
        Rel : side
        Arg3 : against regulators who wanted to curb risky investments and wholesale deposit brokering

Example: autogen2

        Unlike other writers who either battled the fascists during the
        Civil War , or left Spain when Franco triumphed , Mr. Cela fought
        briefly on the general 's side , no doubt earning with his war
        wound some forbearance when he went on to depict a country with a
        high population of vagabonds , murderers and rural idiots
        trudging aimlessly through a dried-out land .

        Arg2 : Mr. Cela
        Arg1 : the general 's
        Rel : side

Roleset id: side.04 , version, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        its side of the story

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : side
        Arg1 : of the story

Example: autogen2

        his manager 's side

        Arg0 : his manager 's
        Rel : side