Predicate: shutdown

Roleset id: shutdown.01 , cause to end, vncls:


        Arg0: intentional agent
        Arg1: thing ending
        Arg2: explicit instrument, thing ended with
        ArgM: point at which something ends

Example: autogen1

        The circuit breakers caused a 30-minute shutdown in trading in
        Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index futures contract as the
        markets were falling .

        Arg0 : The circuit breakers
        ArgSupport : caused
        ArgM-TMP : 30-minute
        Rel : shutdown
        Arg1 : in trading in Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index futures contract

Example: autogen2

        the impending Scarborough shutdown

        ArgM-TMP : impending
        Arg1 : Scarborough
        Rel : shutdown